Herpes Diet
Anyone that has been diagnosed with the herpes virus needs to take a special interest in his or her diet and nutrition needs, especially during an outbreak. Since the disease effects the external skin as well as the internal body, it is important to consider this when choosing foods and purchasing supplements.
An individual’s diet is extremely important to their health and well being, and when someone is carrying the herpes virus, whether or not it is lying dormant, a diet rich in antioxidants like Vitamin C can help to strengthen immunity in order for the body to naturally fight the disease.
Individuals infected with the herpes diet may benefit by taking a multivitamin supplement, and studies have shown that herpes patients that drink 2-5 cups of Green Tea per day have reported minimal outbreaks and symptoms. This is due to the fact that the EGCG that is a natural derivative of green tea helps in reversing cell damage and strengthening immune function.
Making positive changes in one’s diet can greatly reduce the risk of herpes outbreaks, and in some instances it can actually change the entire course of the disease by slowing down the growth of the virus and minimizing outbreaks. Positive changes can include eating a fully balanced meal three times a day that contains the essential vitamins and nutrition that every human being needs to function, as well as implementing a daily supplement regime.
Fruits and vegetables are an important part of every diet, and for individuals with herpes, the positive effects of fruit and vegetable intake can lead to increased energy and stamina, as well as a positive immune system response. Broccoli, brussels sprouts, spinach, and kale are chock full of vitamins and antioxidants, and they are also known as superfoods. Superfoods are known to destroy free radicals and remove toxins from the body, and when an individual with a disease adds these vegetables to their daily diet regime, they will definitely see a change in their health and well-being.
Research studies have shown that diets high in Lysine are very favorable for individuals that have the herpes virus. Lysine has been found to literally slow the progress of the virus, which leads to less outbreaks and the symptoms that occur during an outbreak period. Researchers have also found that foods containing Arginine should be avoided, as these foods actually have the reverse effect on the virus.
Arginine-rich items include alcohol, chocolate, various nuts, and coffee. Sodas containing caffeine should be avoided as well, especially diet sodas. Lysine-rich foods include cheese, tomatoes, dried fruits, seaweed, carrots, and oranges. This particular amino acid is very good for the body, and proper consumption on a daily basis can assist in fighting the progress of the virus in the body.
For individuals that have certain food allergies, they may also take a supplement that contains Lysine. Studies have shown that 1250 mg of Lysine can effectively assist the immune response in individuals with herpes, as well as other chronic viruses.
Although herpes is known to be a chronic illness, following the proper diet and nutrition plan can greatly minimize its effects and symptoms. Many individuals can live a comfortable life with outbreaks occurring less than twice a year, which can make this disease completely manageable.